Our dedicated (and award winning) Wellbeing Team designs and delivers an inclusive programme of events, shaped by the interests of our residents. We create regular daily opportunities for residents to experience a sense of community by promoting an active, happy social life in the home and encouraging resident’s family and friends to visit and join in with activities as often as they would like to.

Maintaining positive mental wellbeing, including self-confidence and self-esteem, is an important aspect of the care we provide at Katherine & Griffiths House. To promote independence, we offer our residents a choice of physical, social and leisure activities that they find motivating, meaningful and engaging; alongside the opportunity to learn something new. This form of independence is proven to help older people stay well and feel happy.
From themed celebrations to piano sing-alongs, flower arranging to history talks, salsa dancing to yoga classes, pet therapy with dogs, chickens, donkeys and even llamas, cooking classes to needlework and knitting, day trips out to local places of interest, visiting performers and even the men’s social afternoon with a glass of ale and a football match – our approach to wellbeing sits side by side with our ethos that whatever your age, life is for living.